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Sending transactions


This flow is also described in the Construction API Overview article in the official Rosetta documentation.

The steps needed to send payment in MINA token are following:

  1. Given a key pair, derive the account indentifier using /construction/derive endpoint
  2. Call /construction/preprocess and /construction/metadata to construct parameters for /construction/payloads request
  3. Create an unsigned transaction blob using construction/payloads endpoint
  4. Call construction/parse (optional) to check if the unsigned transaction does what you expect
  5. Use detached signer to sign the transaction
  6. Call construction/combine to generate signed blob to be sent via /construction/submit endpoint
  7. Call construction/parse again (optional) to confirm correctness of the signed transaction
  8. Get a future transaction hash using /construction/hash enpoint
  9. Submit the signed transaction blob via /construction/submit endpoint

For ease of readability, this sample implementation skips the sanity checks (steps 4 and 7) and combines steps 2 and 3 in a single tx_payloads function call.

Before running this sample:

  • Make sure you followed Offline signer tool article and generated a key pair
  • Send some test funds on the account you've generated.

The implementation is as follows:

def withdrawal_flow(vault_keypair, dest_address, value_nano, fee_nano=None):
Full withdrawal flow example (without sanity check)
If fee_nano is None - fee will be suggested by Rosetta API response

vault_pubkey = vault_keypair["public"]
vault_private_key = vault_keypair["private"]

# derive vault address
derive_response = derive_account_identifier(vault_pubkey)
vault_address = derive_response["account_identifier"]["address"]

# get transfer payload to sign
payloads_response = tx_payloads(
vault_pubkey, vault_address, dest_address, fee_nano, value_nano)

# sign transfer payload
signature = sign_transaction(

# get signed transaction blob
combine_response = tx_combine(vault_pubkey, payloads_response, signature)
signed_transaction_blob = combine_response['signed_transaction']

# sanity check may be performed here
# for that - use tx_parse function output
# to doublecheck it corresponds what you want to do
# parsed_tx = tx_parse(signed_transaction_blob, True)

# get future transaction hash
tx_hash_response = tx_hash(signed_transaction_blob)
future_tx_hash = tx_hash_response['transaction_identifier']['hash']

# submit transaction. this call will fail if tx is not in mempool

# wait for transaction confirmation:
# for that, track blocks until we meet our transaction in the last one
latest_block = network_status()["current_block_identifier"]["index"]
while True:
# check if our transaction exists in the latest block
txs = wait_for_block(latest_block)['block']['transactions']
hashes = [tx['transaction_identifier']['hash'] for tx in txs]
if future_tx_hash in hashes:
latest_block += 1

return future_tx_hash